British Schoolgirls’ Indoor Races (BSIR)

Sunday 6th October 2024

10 am to 6pm

at the Snozone, Milton Keynes, MK9 3XS

Entries are now open

The races are open to any British Schoolgirl between the age of 12 to 18 who is a member of a School Team. Entries must be made as part of a school team; Individual entries will not be accepted.

Prizes will be awarded to the best school teams and individual prizes will be awarded to winners in each age group (U14, U16 and U19).

Teams must comprise three girls who attend the same school; one reserve can also be entered for each team. Team members can be from any age group. Schools can enter a maximum of four teams of three plus a reserve for each team (16 in total).

All teams must be accompanied by a member of school staff or a responsible adult.

The entry fee is £135 per team plus £45 per reserve. Skis, boots and helmets can be hired for £10. Helmets must be worn at all times on the slope.

Entries should be made using the entry form below.

The entry fee should be paid into our bank account as follows:

Account name: Ladies’ Ski Club Ltd

Sort code: 60-18-46

Account number: 77891007

Reference: Please state BSIR and your school name

Entries will not be confirmed until we have received the entry fee

Please contact us at or on 07885 437454 with any queries


Please find the rules for the event here


Results from prior years can be found here